In a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a woman named Keiko, known for her patience and kind heart. She had a son, Kenji, who was known throughout...
In the same village where Master Gento resided, there lived a woman named Akari, who was known for being perpetually busy. From dawn till dusk, Akari was engrossed in endless...
A master said to his disciple, “Chase the sun, and you will never outrun your shadow. Stand still, and the shadow merges into light.” The disciple pondered, “In stillness, then,...
On a path long forgotten, a traveler meets his own footprints coming back. “Who walks ahead?” he wonders, only to realize, “It is I, returning from where I’ve never been.”...
In a Zen temple, there lived a monk who was known for his strict adherence to fasting as a form of spiritual discipline. However, one season, he found himself constantly...