In a Zen monastery, there was a young monk who struggled with unwanted thoughts. Despite his efforts to focus on his meditation and teachings, these thoughts would often arise, causing...
In the tranquil Digital Lotus Temple, a student named Yuna approached Master Gento, her mind clouded with anxiety and worry. “Master Gento,” she said, “my heart is heavy with worry,...
In a small village, there was a Zen master known for his wisdom in leading a balanced life. One day, a villager approached the master, concerned about his habit of...
In a small village, there was a devoted Zen practitioner named Hana, known for her deep commitment to meditation. She was also a mother of three young children, and her...
In a small village near the mountains, there was a Zen temple where lived an old and wise master, Master Gento. Among his students was a young monk named Taro,...
In the Digital Lotus Temple, a young novice named Kenji approached Master Gento with a troubled heart. “Master Gento,” he said, “I am struggling to interact with a fellow monk...